Welcome to the Website of Comilla Victoria Govt. College, Comilla Bangladesh.
History is a scientific study and a lively picture of the whole past of mankind. History means a refreshing proved data of the origin of mankind on earth and evolution gradual development of civilization and the beginning of society and state .History is the root of all kinds of studies. No nation, subject and race can not be imagined without history. A nation having the sense of honour cherishes its history and heritage. It is possible to arouse patriotism and nationalism among a nation centering round its history and heritage. So history is one of the most important and widely known of the present world. Comilla Victoria Govt. College is a traditional college of this region. Roy Bahadur Anandachandra Roy established this college in 1899. after the name of the British Queen Victoria. From the very beginning history was one of the most remarkable subjects of higher Secondary section. Later on it was included as a major subject of Degree pass course and from 1994-1995 session in M.A(part-1) course. From 1995-1996 session it was included in M.A(final) year under National University. In 1996-1997 session 50 students got admitted into Hon’s first year. At present there are 210 students in Hon’s first year. Although the department started with 50 students, at the total number of students is more than nine hundred. Even the result of this department is satisfactory. Every year the students of History Department go on study tour to visit different historical places. Besides regular academic activities the students of history department take part in different cultural and co-curriculum activities of the college. Among them V.C.D.S., B.N.C.C and Rover Scout are specially mentionable. The students of this department actively and successfully participate in the annual sports of the college. Besides the students of this department have become Champion even in national level. At present four teachers a clerk and a peon work in this department the department is conducting its academic activities with the helps of an Associate Professor, an Assistant Professor and two lecturers. From the beginning till today the department nicely and successfully. As the Head of the Department ,I wish all round success and prosperity of this department. ... Go To Home Page
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